D'Amore Personal Injury Law, LLC
Serious Injury Lawyers Proudly Serving
Baltimore, Annapolis, & Washington, D.C.
Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.
In general, “Cancer” is the abnormal growth and multiplication of cells in the body. This abnormal cell growth usually has a negative effect on how body systems function. Left untreated, cancer will usually cause tremendous harm and untimely death.
The causes of cancer are numerous and the statistics regarding types, incidence and survival are not what we are here to discuss. In fact, if you are looking for medical information about cancer, you should not be looking at a website or blog written by lawyers. Those lawyers are simply trying to obtain “Google authority” by copying cancer statistics from qualified medical researchers so that your online search finds them with the hope that you hire them to sue doctors for you.
The reason you should be on OUR website, or reading THIS article, is simple- you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer and you believe the diagnosis should have been made sooner so that you (or they) could have either been cured, obtained better treatment, or had a longer life.
He was Misdiagnosed
— Mike F.
Cancer misdiagnosis cases are NOT easy. In order to succeed in obtaining justice for our clients, we have had to take on some of the most famous cancer treatment facilities in the United States; including Johns Hopkins University Hospital, The Mayo Clinic, George Washington University Hospital, Washington Hospital Center, Georgetown University Hospital, and the University of Maryland Medical Center. However, the team of Cancer Misdiagnosis trial lawyers at D’Amore Personal Injury Law all began our careers by representing the same doctors, hospitals and insurance companies we now hold accountable for people just like you. Put simply, we know your enemy and we know how to beat them.
Other examples of cancer misdiagnosis we have successfully litigated are:
Okay, so now let’s talk about the symptoms that doctors misdiagnose as being related to other medical problems. If you know these symptoms, you can lower your chances of being a victim of Cancer Misdiagnosis. If you have already been diagnosed, you can think back and see if you were complaining about any of these symptoms to your doctors before your cancer was confirmed.
As you can see, these symptoms are pretty common to many different illnesses. That’s one of the main reasons cancer gets misdiagnosed- doctors just think your symptoms are the signs of something more common. The best way to ensure this does not happen to you is to know your family cancer history! Find out who in your family tree has/had cancer, how old they were when it was diagnosed, and what type of cancer it was/is. Write it down and give it to your doctor.
Many cancers are genetic- which means there is higher risk of developing them if someone else in your bloodline also has/had one of them. If your doctor is aware of this, he/she will be more suspicious that your symptoms could be the first signs of the cancer instead of something else. That will trigger your doctor to order different tests and get you diagnosed sooner!
Misdiagnosis can happen for several reasons. Generally, it is assumed that the misdiagnosis occurs in the lab where the tissue samples are analyzed. In the same Johns Hopkins study, 400 doctors indicated that cancer misdiagnosis is the fault of pathology departments. When a pathology report is read incorrectly, it could result in a cancer diagnosis for a person who is perfectly healthy, or show a clean bill of health for someone who’s body is filled with cancerous cells.
Other reasons for Cancer Misdiagnosis are:
Cancer misdiagnosis occurs when a patient is incorrectly diagnosed or does not receive a timely cancer diagnosis. Timeliness in providing cancer diagnoses has the potential to prevent metastasis (spreading) and can be the difference between life or death of a patient.
Other reasons for Cancer Misdiagnosis are:
Lymphoma is cancer that begins in lymphocytes (T cells or B cells). These are disease-fighting white blood cells that are part of the immune system. In lymphoma, abnormal cells build up in lymph nodes and vessels and in other organs of the body. This cancer is usually diagnosed after a patient presents with swollen lymph nodes. It can be detected by blood tests, and confirmed via a biopsy. However, because the affected lymph nodes may not be palpable, many of these cancers are missed by doctors until it is too late. Therefore, it is imperative that you tell your doctor if you have any of the symptoms illustrated here.
Sarcoma is the general term for a broad group of cancers that begin in the bones and in the soft (also called connective) tissues (soft tissue sarcoma). Soft tissue sarcoma forms in the tissues that connect, support and surround other body structures. This includes muscle, fat, blood vessels, nerves, tendons and the lining of your joints.
Misdiagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma is common. The reasons for this include, slow-growth, no pain, no palpation due to a deep-seated location, and doctor-associated and socioeconomic factors. Because a substantial proportion of soft tissue sarcomas can grow for a long time without pain, they are often misdiagnosed due to the misguided belief held by many doctors that malignant tumors are painful, grow rapidly, and adhere strongly to adjacent tissues. Therefore, diagnosis of slow growing, highly malignant soft tissue sarcomas gets delayed- which is likely to result in poor outcomes for patients. In order to avoid having a Sarcoma Misdiagnosis it is important to know the symptoms and tell your doctor about them. Signs and symptoms of concern are:
Melanoma is skin cancer that begins in cells that become melanocytes. These cells are specialized and create melanin- the chemical that gives skin its color. Below, you can see some examples of abnormal skin pigments/marks that reflect varying types of melanomas. Because these cancers can spread to other organs, their early detection is key to successful treatment. Many doctors fail to perform head to toe skin evaluations at their patients annual physicals. Therefore, you should be acutely aware of any marks like these on your body, and specifically point them out to your doctor for further evaluation.
First, you will need to select and speak with an experienced Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer. If you would like to learn how to select a lawyer, please watch this video.
When you contact the lawyer, please have as many facts available as possible, including:
Also, be ready to discuss how your life has been affected by the diagnosis- what can’t you do anymore- including work, household chores, child care, family responsibilities, hobbies and activities.
If the Cancer Misdiagnosis lawyer decides to accept your case for investigation, you will sign a fee agreement. Most Cancer Misdiagnosis lawyers work on a contingency fee basis- meaning there will be no cost to you unless the lawyer wins money for you.
Next, your Cancer Misdiagnosis lawyer will order all of your medical records. This will allow him/her to see if there is evidence that will support a medical negligence case.
After a careful review of your medical records, your cancer misdiagnosis lawyer will decide if there is evidence to support a claim. If so, he/she will have your records reviewed by cancer experts. If the opinions obtained from those experts support a case, a lawsuit will be filed with the goal of obtaining money to compensate you for all of the harms and losses you have suffered because of your cancer misdiagnosis.
As a victim of a cancer misdiagnosis, you will be able to collect all of the costs of your cancer care including:
Wrongful death damages: If you lost a loved one due to a misdiagnosis, you can claim these wrongful damages which include your loved one’s medical bills, your loss of companionship, and your children’s loss of parental support.
The most common cancers are breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, prostate cancer, colon and rectum cancer, melanoma of the skin, bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, kidney and renal pelvis cancer, endometrial cancer, leukemia, pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer, and liver cancer.
The three most common cancers in women are breast, lung, and colorectal, and they account for about 50% of all new cancer diagnoses in 2020. Prostate, lung, and colorectal cancers account for an estimated 43% of all cancers diagnosed in men in 2020. The cancer mortality rate is higher among men than women (189.5 per 100,000 men and 135.7 per 100,000 women).
Approximately 39.5% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes (based on 2015–2017 data). The cancer death rate is 158.3 per 100,000 men and women per year. In 2020, an estimated 16,850 children and adolescents ages 0 to 19 will be diagnosed with cancer and 1,730 will die of the disease.
In the United States, the overall cancer death rate has declined since the early 1990s. As the overall cancer death rate has declined, the number of cancer survivors has increased. As of January 2019, there were an estimated 16.9 million cancer survivors in the U.S. and that number is projected to increase to 22.2 million by 2030. These trends show that progress is being made against the disease, but much work remains. Although rates of smoking, a major cause of cancer, have declined, the rates of other risk factors, such as obesity, have increased in the United States. Also, the US population is aging, and cancer rates increase with age.
The harm caused by a doctor’s cancer misdiagnosis can be life-changing. D’Amore Personal Injury Law has a specialized team of Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyers ready to analyze your legal claim. We have an experienced team of legal professionals ready to discuss your case, answer your questions, and outline your legal options. Contact us today to arrange your FREE consultation. And remember: there is never any cost to you at D’Amore Personal Injury Law unless we win your case!
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